Contact Information
This is a private home page set up to feature some of my coding projects and stuff of general interest to me. If you find factual errors, dead links, spelling or grammar errors feel free to report them to the address listed below. Feedback and suggestions regarding the articles on this page are always welcome.
If you have questions or remarks regarding muparser or muparserx please ask them in the corresponding forums at GitHub where other users may read them too. The chance of getting an answer at GitHub is greater then by writing an e-mail. Please do not contact me for support on your specific numerical problem. I cannot give you consulting or tutoring.
All external links were checked by me for unlawful content. I'm not responsible for the content of any external pages I link to and have no influence whatsoever on their content. Please write a mail to the above address in case you find offensive or unlawful material on pages linked to from this site.